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McKenna should have got five weeks: Murphy

7 years ago

Former Western Bulldogs captain Bob Murphy believes Essendon’s Conor McKenna should have received a five-week ban for biting Tory Dickson.

McKenna copped a three-week suspension at the tribunal last night, a punishment Murphy thinks doesn’t fit the act.

“Three weeks is not enough,” he told SEN Breakfast.

“I can’t get my head around the fact that we have a game at the moment where you can get two-to-three weeks for a sling tackle, and then the same punishment for someone biting someone on the neck.

“If you have been found guilty of biting, four I would have been okay with, but I had it at five.”

McKenna pleaded guilty and took full responsibility for his actions at the tribunal, which helped him knock a week off his ban.

Jeff Gleeson QC, who was acting for the AFL at the tribunal, said the “sheer act of desperation” was not in the “spirit” of the game.

Conor MCKENNA Robert MURPHY Western Bulldogs Essendon SEN Breakfast

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