ADAM Treloar is staring down the barrel of an awkward return to Collingwood as his lifeboat options evaporate.
Treloar has stood firm in the face of fierce Pies’ pressure to force him out, but his management have been quietly canvassing escape routes for the midfielder.
Treloar, 27, stands to earn more than $900,000 in the final years of a contract running until 2025 after pushing back money owed to him by the club at least twice.
He has been upset and angered by Collingwood’s desire to move him on, which comes after the Pies quietly tried to offload him last year.
The Western Bulldogs, St Kilda and Hawthorn had loomed as potential options for 2021, but they and others have had little time to orchestrate a trade with such financial complexity.
Treloar is yet to meet with any club ahead of Thursday’s 7.30pm trade deadline.
As much as Essendon and Collingwood would love the scenario, the Western Bulldogs are not considering a three-way trade involving Josh Dunkley and Treloar and remain an outside chance at best.
St Kilda can’t fit Treloar in after two busy trade periods, while still looking to trade for contracted Tiger Jack Higgins.
Hawthorn has shown no meaningful interest and it’s highly unlikely another club will suddenly come out of the woodwork.
Instead, it’s more likely Treloar stays at the Pies for one more year, giving his camp and rival clubs time to plan for a move this time next year.
It’s not ideal, but it’s the best card in the bad hand that he has been dealt by his own club.
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