
8 months ago

Mavs & Cobram Estate Community Roots program: South Colac Sports Club



Congratulations to South Colac Sports Club for winning one of our Cobram Estate Community Roots Program Grants!

The Melbourne Mavericks, in conjunction with Cobram Estate, are giving out 20 grants of $2,500 to empower clubs in need.

South Colac Sports Club: We have 1 netball court with over 60 players rotating through trainings each Thursday night.

During the netball season, we have to hire out a second court each week which also takes away from all being together at the club on training nights.

So not only do we pay a weekly hire fee, we also would be losing out on Thursday night tea revenue.

We could also use this money to go towards adequate seating around court side. At the moment we are using old folding chairs for seating.

Anything to help move our club forward would be very appreciative!

Melbourne Mavericks